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Violența sexuală

The term "sexual violence" is an all-encompassing, non-legal term that refers to crimes like sexual assault, rape, and sexual abuse. many of these crimes are described below. please note that the legal definition of crimes vary from state to state. there are often other crimes and forms of violence that arise jointly with crimes like sexual assault, and these are described as well.

Linia națională de asistență telefonică pentru agresiuni sexuale.

Dacă sunteți o victimă sau ați fost victima violenței sexuale, suntem pregătiți să vă ajutăm. Sprijinim victimele și căutăm să obținem dreptate pentru toți.

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Oferiți speranță supraviețuitoarelor violenței sexuale. Donația dumneavoastră le poate oferi un sprijin esențial și le poate ajuta să se vindece. Donați astăzi pentru cauza noastră.

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Oferiți speranță supraviețuitoarelor violenței sexuale. Donația dumneavoastră le poate oferi un sprijin esențial și le poate ajuta să se vindece. Donați astăzi pentru cauza noastră.

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If you are looking for an anti-sexual violence organization in Romania, look no further than [Organization Name]. Our mission is to provide support, resources, and advocacy for survivors of sexual assault and violence in Romania. At [Organization Name], we believe that every person has the right to live free from violence and abuse. Our team of experienced advocates and counselors is here to help survivors of sexual violence find the support and healing they need to move forward.
We offer a range of services, including crisis counseling, legal advocacy, and referrals to medical and mental health providers. Our team works tirelessly to ensure that survivors of sexual violence have access to the resources and support they need to heal and rebuild their lives. If you or someone you know has been impacted by sexual violence, don't hesitate to reach out to [Organization Name]. We are here to support you every step of the way. Together, we can work to create a world where sexual violence is no longer tolerated and survivors receive the
